Actor Priyanka Chopra and husband-singer Nick Jonas, who were in Italy recently, have reunited with their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. The duo, who returned to their home in Los Angeles, dropped adorable pictures with Malti on social media. Priyanka also gave a sneak-peek of the souvenir they got for Malti from Rome. Priyanka...
Priyanka Chopra recently attended the Jonas Brothers’ concert at Royal Albert Hall in London. Her husband Nick Jonas played at the concert. The actress was accompanied by her mother Madhu Chopra and her daughter Malti Marie. Now, she has shared a series of photos from her fun night. In one of the photos, Priyanka...
The Chopra-Jonas family had a blast last night, and these pictures stand as proof. Yesterday, The Jonas Brothers performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London and Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas shared many pictures from the concert on Instagram. However, one photo shared by Nick grabbed our attention in which the singer is...
If you haven’t paid for your subscription by now, your blue check on Twitter may have already disappeared. On Thursday, the social media company began removing blue check verification today from accounts that didn’t pay for a subscription. Twitter’s owner Elon Musk says the blue check had become an elitist status symbol, so he...
Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas had shared on Saturday that her singer husband Nick Jonas has sold out London’s Royal Albert Hall. Now, the latter has shared pictures from the musical night which had their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas as a special guest. This is the first time the one-year-old attended her father’s concert....
PEO Chapter A sponsored a Spring Fashion Show on Saturday at the Opera House to showcase local businesses and raise money for various projects that support women’s education. Models representing Caroline & Co Boutique, Mountain Chic Boutique and The Outpost showcased the many looks available to shoppers locally during the event, which was held...